Undiscovered Sacred Beach of Sisal Mexico


The magical romance of sea, sand, sun & a quiet village.

Each morning, the sun rises in the east, and slowly makes a journey across vast skies before setting in the west. The ancient Maya believed the Sun God, Kinich Ahau, would shine in the sky all day before transforming himself into a jaguar at night to pass the Xibalba, the Maya underworld. Ancient Mayans were keen astronomers, recording and interpreting every aspect of the sky.

Sunlit ruins showcase their dedication to astrology, however the sun provided deep spiritual connection to the Maya. It has been said, that in the Yucatan, locations having both a sunrise and sunset, were considered sacred.  In a personal quest to find quiet beach destinations, I stumbled upon Sisal, Mexico where Mayan culture runs deep. The beach lined ocean shores of this small fishing village, is a place “ma’ ya’ab” (Mayan language meaning “a few”) have visited. The quaint main street and dock beckon those looking for peace, sand, and sun. Reminding those of simpler times, where palm trees sway in the ocean breeze and cell phones don’t exist.

This sacred beach of the Yucatan, is truly one of a kind. Its proximity to Merida, capital of this Mexico state, offers modern conveniences within a 30 minute drive, while providing the sense of being in a world of your own. The miles of unspoiled beach, protected land, and picture-perfect sunrise and sunset views will keep this part of the Yucatan sacred forever.

The big hotels, night clubs and party crowd will never be part of Sisal’s story. The story will forever be the magical romance of sea, sun, sand, and a quiet village for a few to call home. The Maya may have discovered this port, however their legend remains in the ancestors that have protected and preserved this oceanfront.

The sacred sun of Sisal will continue to rise and set in this sanctuary where like minded friends will gather and respect the historical seaside for years to come.

Learn more about Sisal 

Learn more about living in Sisal

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